EdgeOS is a Network Operating System developed by Ubiquiti Networks. It is based on Vyatta and bundled with Ubiquiti EdgeRouter products.
The following configuration were tested on an Edgerouter X with EdgeOSv1.10.1 and on an EdgeRouter Lite with EdgeOSv2.0.6.
EdgeOS can supports IPv6 trough manual configuration via CLI. This examples uses eth0 as WAN, eth1 and eth2 as individual LAN interfaces. (source)
# Configure IPv6 Firewall
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN description 'IPV6WAN to internal'
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN default-action drop
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 10 action accept
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 10 state established enable
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 10 state related enable
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 10 log disable
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 10 description 'Allow established/related'
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 20 action drop
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 20 description 'Drop invalid state'
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 30 action accept
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 30 description 'Allow ICMPv6'
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 30 log disable
set firewall ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN rule 30 protocol icmpv6
set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall in ipv6-name IPV6WAN_IN
# Configure dhcpv6-pd
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 prefix-length 56
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd rapid-commit enable
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth1
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth1 host-address ::1
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth1 prefix-id :1
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth1 service slaac
set interfaces ethernet eth1 ipv6 router-advert prefix ::/64
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth2
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth2 host-address ::1
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth2 prefix-id :2
set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface eth2 service slaac
set interfaces ethernet eth2 ipv6 router-advert prefix ::/64
EdgeOS can support DS-Lite tunnels with manual creation of the tunnel and route. The MTU should be set to 1460. (source)
set interfaces ipv6-tunnel v6tun0 encapsulation ipip6
set interfaces ipv6-tunnel v6tun0 local-ip <<LOCAL IPv6 ADDRESS>>
set interfaces ipv6-tunnel v6tun0 remote-ip <<AFTR ADDRESS>>
set interfaces ipv6-tunnel v6tun0 mtu 1460
set protocols static interface-route next-hop-interface v6tun0
EdgeOS supports PCP and NAT-PMP through a MiniUPnP deamon. This examples uses eth0 as WAN, eth1 as LAN interface. (source)
set service upnp2 listen-on eth1
set service upnp2 wan eth0
set service upnp2 nat-pmp enable
set service upnp2 secure-mode enable